With Opinew, you can easily synchronize and import eBay Shop reviews to Shopify in a few clicks.
Step 1: Import eBay Shop Reviews
Log in to Opinew’s dashboard and open Reviews > Shop Reviews.

On the Shop Reviews page, locate the eBay Seller reviews button, and click on it.

You will be prompted with Opinew’s importer settings.
- Add your eBay Seller feedback link. If you’re unsure how to locate it, please follow this article.
- Choose how many reviews you’d like to import
- Choose which reviews to import (1 star to 5 stars)
- Translate reviews to the language of preference
- Decide if there is a minimum amount of words needed on the review to import it
- Choose to import only reviews with images or not

Wait for a few seconds until the reviews populate to your Shopify store.

Step 2: Display Shop Reviews on your store
If you’d like to display eBay Shop reviews on your store, you have 3 options:
- Create an all-reviews custom page in your Shopify store. Follow this article in order to create a custom page for your Shopify store and link it to our all-reviews widget.
- Link reviews to a product: Once Shop reviews are imported, you’ll have the possibility to link each review imported to the product of your choice.
- Add an all-reviews badge to your email and footer: follow these instructions to add it to your emails, and this article to add it to your Shopify’s store footer.
Step 3: Display eBay’s date format on Shopify
If you’d like to display the review date in the same format as on eBay’s shop feedback page, head over to Widgets > Product Review Widget.

Under General Information, scroll down until you locate the Date Format section. Click the toggle to activate it, and on the dropdown selection, choose “Relative”.

That’s it, your reviews will now display “The past month” instead of “09/10/2022”.