Ngan Pham

Social Media Manager at Opinew.

Build Marketing Automations on Shopify With Omnisend and Opinew Members Public

Currently, about 75% of companies are taking advantage of marketing automation. This number shows the growing popularity of such tools in just a few years. According to research by Liana Technologies, 40% of companies that have not yet implemented marketing automation will quickly implement it shortly. Out of the 50%

Ngan Pham
Ngan Pham
Email Marketing

Reward your Shopify reviewers with Opinew and LoyaltyLion Members Public

Say goodbye to June and welcome July with the new integration between Opinew and LoyaltyLion. This is a perfect duo to bring their performance up together and prepare your Shopify store for Q4 to increase your chances of conversions. LoyaltyLion is an award-winning Shopify loyalty provider, trusted by thousands of

Ngan Pham
Ngan Pham
Product Updates